Parking: 119 East Third Street
Mailing Address: 120 East Fourth Street
Little Rock, AR 72201-2893
(501) 375-9131
FAX (501) 375-1309
- GPS Directions: 119 East Third Street, Little Rock, AR
- Once arriving in Little Rock, take I-30 to Exit 141A for AR-10 toward Cantrell Road/Clinton Avenue
- Follow signs for Markham Street/Convention Center and merge onto East 2nd Street
- Turn left onto Scott Street
- Turn right onto East 3rd Street
- Our office is on the left
Street Address:
809 S 52nd Street, Suite A
Rogers, AR 72758
(479) 301-2444
FAX (479) 301-2449
Learn more about our Northwest Arkansas Office.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: While we would like to hear from you, we cannot represent you until we know that doing so will not create a conflict of interest. Accordingly, please do not send us any confidential information about any matter until you receive a written statement from us that we represent you (an “engagement letter”). The best way for you to initiate a possible representation is to call Betsy Baker at 501-375-9131. She will first take you through our conflict of interest procedure and see that you are put in touch with the lawyer best suited to handle your matter. When you receive an engagement letter from that lawyer, you will be our client, and we may then exchange information freely.